Life is a Never Ending Adventure / Ellen

While I write this I´m sitting in a bus with thirty-five people, to play a game in Southern New Hampshire. A place I did not even know existed if you had asked me a couple of months ago. And I had only been able to dream about that I would become such a good friend with the girl who sits next to me, or that I would get to know all these wonderful people in my team. I loved my life back home. I had the chance to work and earn my own money, I played soccer with amazing players both on and off the field. I had unbeatable friends that I could count on in all situations and I had my family behind my back who supported me in every choice I took. 
I’m aware of how good I had it at home and I can understand how some people thought I gave up a lot by moving away from all this. I did not give up anything, I collected everything I’ve learned, every experience and every good relation in my back pocket and prepared for new adventures. It’s almost like I can agree to get a tattoo with “Life is a Never Ending Adventure” because it appeals to me so much. 
My life didn’t feel adventurous at all at home, I was tired to more or less be able to go through a day with my eyes closed and knowing exactly what do every twenty-four hours of the day. That made me look at what I could do to my life. I searched for challenges but nothing caught my interest so I took it one step further. To be precise I moved from Sweden to US August 5th this year. 
After twenty years on earth I’ve realized that I am a person who easily become restless and therefore always searches for new challenges. I must have goals to work towards to have something to lay my focus on and then aim to something even higher when I achieved them. I know that it´s impossible to stop developing but in some way I felt done with Sweden. I had more or less accomplished what I wanted.
The soccer has always been a big part of my life and the only thing I knew was that I didn’t want to put it aside no matter what. It´s also through school and my soccer I have met my best friend’s home and where I have had the best experiences so I started to look at something that included them both. When I also started to look at options abroad came United States and college up very quickly because of the possibility you are given here to combine your sport with your studies. No other country in the world has such a developed system for both sports and studies and even though I would prefer to move somewhere to just play soccer, I had to think what would benefit me the most in the long run. There will come a time in my life when I will quit to play and then I feel that it´s extremely important to have an academic degree that I can lean back on. The more I got to know about the college life, the more eager was I to try it. 
I can´t say that I didn’t hesitate once before I took the decision to move to US but it was a quite easy choice and in some way did it feel like a natural step for me to take. As soon as I knew what I wanted, I began the process that one must go through to be approved to live, study and play soccer in US. I could never imagine that it was so much things that needed to be done before it was green light to move here. I honestly think I would be able to write a entire book about all the paperwork and everything that I had to do but since I’m not a good writer we just leave it with saying that I hope that everyone that must do it takes help from a company like I did. It’s worth it. 
Besides all the paperwork was it also a lot of things that was going on in my head. The last time in Sweden was kind of special. My mood was like a roller coaster, and I promise, even the people who like to expose themselves to that kind of stuff had wanted to jump off and go home from the amusement park. At the same time as it was quite interesting to feel and think so much was it also very tough and took a lot of energy. By the way, if you ask my parents would they probably just think it was tough and not interesting at all. I was getting offers from some different schools but I decided to go to University of Bridgeport at Christmas time last year. That gave me half a year of thinking and attempts to imagine how it could be to live in Connecticut and go to this university. The thoughts was flying around in my head and I turned and twisted everything multiple times every day. I think I did it because I knew so little about what was to become my new everyday life. I mean, virtually I didn’t knew anything about what would become my new life. I had talked to the coach in the phone a couple of times, and I had been into to the schools website. That was it. 
Every time I thought of something that had to do with US I did end up with telling myself to not have too high expectations. I tried to not have any expectations at all actually, I didn’t want to come here and realize that nothing was like I expected and wanted it to be. I think I did myself a favor by thinking that way but in hindsight I didn’t have to be afraid of too high thoughts at all. I wish I knew back then how good everything would become but at the same time did I love the feeling of leave everything I had built up over several years and not have a clue about what the future would look like.


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